The autonomous examination program at EMI consists of free courses offered to United States subjects in Comprehensive Emergency Management techniques. Course IS-1 is entitled "Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position" and gives foundation data on FEMA and the job of emergency managers in office and volunteer organization coordination. FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal offices; and the general population and private segments to limit the effect of disasters and crises on the American open. The EMI Independent Study Program, a Web-based distance learning program open to people in general, conveys broad internet preparing with roughly 200 courses.
emergency management program
The autonomous examination program at EMI consists of free courses offered to United States subjects in Comprehensive Emergency Management techniques. Course IS-1 is entitled "Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position" and gives foundation data on FEMA and the job of emergency managers in office and volunteer organization coordination. FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal offices; and the general population and private segments to limit the effect of disasters and crises on the American open. The EMI Independent Study Program, a Web-based distance learning program open to people in general, conveys broad internet preparing with roughly 200 courses.